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Experiment No: Date:
Aim: To give connections to one lamp controlled by one SPT switch.
2. Selection of colour
3. Fixing of wire connections
4. Testing of wire connections
2. Insulated screw driver 300 mm
3. Double fold knife 100 mm
4. Line tester 230 volts
2. SPT switch, 5 Amp 1 No.
3. Electrical bulb, 230 V 1 No.
4. 1/18 insulated wires, 900 mm length 3 No.
2. Avoid all the closed, open and short circuits.
Bulb wattage, W = 60 watts
R = E2 / W I = E/R
Aim: To give connections to one lamp controlled by one SPT switch.
Sequence of Operations:
1. Circuit diagram2. Selection of colour
3. Fixing of wire connections
4. Testing of wire connections
Tools Required
1. Insulated cutting plier 200 mm2. Insulated screw driver 300 mm
3. Double fold knife 100 mm
4. Line tester 230 volts
Electrical Accessories:
1. Battery lamp holder, 5 Amp 1 No.2. SPT switch, 5 Amp 1 No.
3. Electrical bulb, 230 V 1 No.
4. 1/18 insulated wires, 900 mm length 3 No.
- Phase Connection (R) : Red color wire is connected from the phase of power supply to phase of SPT switch
- Control Connection (C) : Yellow color wire is connected from control of SPT switch to control lamp holder.
- Neutral Connection (B) : Blue or black color wire is connected from neutral of power supply to neutral connection of lamp holder.
Safety Precautions:
- First we should be insulated
- Care should be taken while fixing the fuse
- All the switches should be off before power supply.
- When power is on, the terminal wires should not be touched or interchanged.
1. Connections should not be loose.2. Avoid all the closed, open and short circuits.
1. Used for domestic purpose. 2. Used for power calculations.Calculations:
Power supply E = 230VBulb wattage, W = 60 watts
R = E2 / W I = E/R
Result: One lamp Connection controlled by one SPT switch connection is obtained.
Remaining exercise's try your self or contact us.....
1. Name the three fundamental terms related to Electricity
2. What is the relation between current, voltage and resistance.
3. State ohm’s law.
4. What are the units of current, voltage and resistance
5. Write the symbol of ohm.
6. Draw the circuit diagram of given connection
7. What is the value of voltage of single phase supply
8. What is the value of voltage of three phase supply
9. What is the unit of power
10. State the relation between HP and Watts
11. What do you mean by SPT and DPT
12. Why fluorescent lamp is white
13. What is the use of choke in fluorescent lamp connection
14. Once the fluorescent lamp glows, one item is not necessary in the circuit. What is
that ? and why?
15. What is the purpose of stair case connection
16. What is the purpose of godown connection
17. The electricity department gives the bill in units. What is meant by unit
18. What do you mean by KWH
19. In circuit diagram what is the significance of R,Y,B
20. What are the different color wires used in electric circuit
21. How will you represent SPT in circuit diagram
22. State the difference between single phase and three phases connection
23. What is the equivalent resistance When two resisters R1 and R2 connected in
24. What is the equivalent resistance When two resisters R1 and R2 connected in
25. What is the disadvantage in series lamp connection
26. What type of connection is provided in domestic electric wiring
27. What are the various tools used in House wiring
28. State the function of given tool
29. What is the relation between power, voltage and current
30. What is meant by SWG