Also Read
- First loosen the jaw in the chuck key to position the work piece, and then tighten the jaws.
- Fix the cutting tool in the toolpost.
- Switch on the lathe and move the carriage near to the workpiece. Give it a small cross feed, and then move carriage longitudinally to the required length slowly.
- Bring the carriage to the original position, give a small cross feed and move carriage longitudinally. Repeat this step until required diameter is obtained.
- To get smooth surface give a very small feed when the diameter is nearing the required value.
- To face the end surface of the workpiece, move the carriage to make the tool touch the end surface of the work piece.
- Give a small feed in longitudinal direction, and then move the tool towards the axis of the workpiece using the cross slide to complete the workpiece.
- The turning operation is done with cutting tool to reduce the diameter upto the required dimension for the two steps of various diameters.
- The workpiece is removed from the chuck and the dimensions of workpiece are checked for the requirements.
Thus the required shape and size is obtained by
Facing, plain turning and step turning
1. Name some important lathe parts.
2. Where can we see C.I in lathe.
3. What is turning and facing.
4. Give the specification of lathe.
5. What is machining?
